Stormwater Conference

With increasing urbanization and redevelopment within the urban core there is a clear need for efficient and reliable stormwater treatment solutions. Limited available land space has been driving the demand for technology-based solutions and in some cases use of treatment trains to maximize net environmental benefit and protect stormwater treatment assets. To ensure proper vetting and selection of technologies and suitable applications, a detailed review and due diligence by engineers or regulators requires relatively consistent monitoring protocols and a review process. Resulting data from these evaluation programs and sometimes field observations are used to determine if the proposed treatment system achieves desired benchmark performance criteria.

Existing evaluation and approval programs have at times demonstrated limitations regarding the generation or examination and acceptance of data, real world experience and monitoring processes to determine the suitable design guidance and longevity. These limitations can lead to a reduced upfront capital expenditure, but a future pitfall for asset owners or managers. This can translate to long-lasting negative impacts on the asset’s life-cycle cost or environmental outcome.

This paper reviews monitoring and performance results of an innovative high surface area membrane-based stormwater filtration system to illustrate pollutant removal performance capability, and capacity. Contrasts to the more common monitoring methodologies are discussed, along with concepts to consider for expanding treatment system assessment with the focus on longevity indicators accounting for asset management.

Conference Papers Resource - Conference Papers Stormwater

2. Perry - Evaluating More than Performance - Asset Use and Longevity.pdf

607 KB
16 Jan 2017