Stormwater Conference

A significant challenge facing the Auckland Unitary Plan (UP) is to provide for significant urban growth in Auckland while at the same time addressing widespread existing issues including flooding, degraded water quality and ecosystem health, and loss and modification of streams. The National Policy for Freshwater Management (NPSFM), the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) and Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act in particular direct that water quality and ecosystems should be maintained or enhanced where they are degraded.

In respect of stormwater management, a key approach put forward by Auckland Council (Council) in the UP is a greater emphasis on integrated management of land use and discharges, - moving from a focus on infrastructure and end of pipe management to a more integrated approach that manages land use activities, implements Water Sensitive Design (WSD), and management closer to source, particularly in sensitive areas, combined with a strong approach to reducing the risk of flooding. Key directions include:

  • Recognising the need to progressively reduce existing adverse effects to meet the objectives of the NPSFM and the NZCPS while the region continues to grow and develop
  • Emphasis on WSD being applied at all stages of development including the recognition that stormwater management should inform development layout and constraints from the outset
  • Flooding objectives and provisions aiming to achieve no increase in flooding risk – a specific challenge for Auckland as a growing city, but redevelopment provides opportunities for decreasing existing risk
  • Acknowledgement of values and importance of intermittent streams
  • Introduction of flow management including retention of flows in catchments of sensitive streams in existing urban areas and greenfield developments
  • Taking redevelopment opportunities to address existing effects from impervious areas where practicable

The UP is currently being considered by the Independent Hearing Panel, with decisions expected in mid – 2016.

Conference Papers Resource - Conference Papers Stormwater

3. Dr. Hellberg Auckland's Stormwater Management Under the Auckland Unitary Plan.pdf

418 KB
26 Apr 2017