We must avoid further degradation of the water environment

23 April 2024

Water New Zealand says it is disappointed that the Government intends to remove the need for resource consent applicants to follow the hierarchy of Te Mana o te Wai.

The hierarchy ensures that the health of the water is protected and human health needs are provided for before enabling other uses of water.

Water New Zealand chief executive Gillian Blythe says it is vital to avoid further degradation of the water environment.

“Healthy water is essential for the long-term sustainable management of our wider environment as well as the health of our communities and our economy.

“Many councils and water suppliers have embraced Te Mana o Te Wai to prevent further degradation of their waterways as well as ensuring the obvious benefits of working with mana whenua and their wider communities.”

She says strong compliance, monitoring and enforcement of activities which impact the water environment is needed now.

Regional councils, Taumata Arowai and in the future, the Commerce Commission, must use the regulatory powers they have.

“For instance, a large proportion of wastewater treatment plants are operating outside of their consents which will be impacting on the environment.”

For more information contact Communications Manager, Debra Harrington: media@waternz.org.nz