Evidence Based Decision Making for 3 Waters Networks (Pipe Renewals)

Water New Zealand the Quake Centre and IPWEA are pleased to announce the release of Evidence Based Investment Decision Making for 3 Water Pipe Network Programme (Pipe Renewals Guidelines Programme). The three organisations have agreed to work co-operatively to develop guidance documents and tools to assist New Zealand’s water organisations to make nationally consistent, evidenced-based decisions relating to the management and renewal of their 3 Water Pipe Networks. The programme covers inspection, maintenance and renewal strategies for pipework in potable water, wastewater and stormwater systems.

The tools and guidance documents developed through these initiatives will form a framework that can be used in conjunction with the International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) and the New Zealand Asset Metadata Standards project to implement advanced asset management processes to produce investment strategies that optimise cost, risk and level of service. They will enable organisations to assess the implications of adopting alternative investment strategies and select the strategy that best suits the needs of their community.

Benefits of this programme include:

  • Better performing assets and higher returns on investment
  • Potentially large cost savings in renewals budgets
  • A better understanding of risks and contingent liabilities
  • Improved transparency in the decision-making process

This document presents 46 project initiatives that comprise the overall programme and one integrating decision support theme. Of these projects a number have been prioritised such that they could be implemented over the next 3-5 years. A steering group rationalised the number of projects based on level of importance and ease to the following areas:

  • Integrated decision making framework
  • Condition
  • Repairs and Maintenance
  • Service Performance
  • Resilience
  • Design Performance
  • Financial Performance

An implementation plan has been developed to determine level of priority for each project based on three measures; ease, level of importance and level of impact. To support the delivery and funding of projects these projects have been grouped into work packages.

The initial literature search identified a series of available polices, guidelines and documentation which will support the early implementation of part of the pipe renewals framework. Based on existing knowledge and priority it is recommended the following projects are progressed first:

  • Decision making support tool – to be started in 2017
  • Pipe data management
  • Pipe inspection and condition framework
  • National Pipe Database
  • Pipe sample recovery
  • Useful life deterioration curves
  • Definition of pipe failure and National Pipe Failure Database
  • Pipe performance measures

View the documents here.

Pipes Water New Zealand