Intelligent Water Networks - The Emergence of Operational Modelling and Real Time Decisions Support Tools

Annual Conference

Globally the Water Industry is buzzing with buzzwords: “Smart Water”, “Innovation”, “Big Data”, “Analytics” – and the ever increasing list of acronyms: AMR, AMI, SWM and IWN to name a few – are leading many in the industry to ‘paralysis by analysis’.

Simply stated: Telemetry, hydraulic predictions and other data collection processes are generating bigger/better but underutilized data sets. The intent of this paper is to methodically demonstrate ways in which Intelligent Water Networks are within every utility’s grasp utilizing their existing skillsets, data sets, IT Infrastructure and software tools. The paper will discuss two main categories of technology pertinent to Intelligent Networks:

1. Time Series Analysis/Reporting:

An event detection “watch dog” accepts time series in real time from field providing web-based data access and diagnostics to all within a water organization.

2. Automated Hydraulic Model Projections.

Informed by live and predicted data the automated hydraulic model utilizes predictive capabilities flow, pressure, velocity, water quality and energy consumption may be modelled through all parts of network.

Conference Papers Distribution and Infrastructure Resource - Conference Papers

14.30 - Patrick Bonk - Intelligent Water Networks - The Emergence Of Operational Modelling.pdf

2 MB
21 Dec 2016