Auckland Stormwater Bylaw Implementation

Stormwater Conference

Auckland Council is looking at using a range of tools to implement the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM). In addition to the Auckland Unitary Plan, Auckland Council is also using other regulatory tools, capital works, and education and behavior change programmes. The Auckland Stormwater Bylaw 2015(SW Bylaw) is an alternative regulatory tool that can be used to achieve management outcomes.

The SW Bylaw provides a consistent regulatory approach for stormwater management across the Auckland region. It regulates the management of the public stormwater network as well as private stormwater system maintenance. This ensures that the public and natural stormwater systems are protected from stormwater discharges.

A number of departments and units in Auckland Council are involved in the SW Bylaw implementation. To ensure all parties working together collaboratively, Auckland Council sets up an implementation procedure outlining the stormwater network development, connection, vesting approval process, as well as procedures for bylaw compliance and enforcement.

In 2017, the Auckland Council Healthy Waters department carried out a SW Bylaw implementation review. The review investigated how the SW Bylaw is being applied with regard to: public stormwater network management and protection; monitoring and management of private stormwater systems; and bylaw compliance and enforcement.

The review identified that the SW Bylaw is a useful tool to manage and protect the public stormwater system. To ensure the SW Bylaw be effectively used, there are some areas that can be improved. As a result of the review, Auckland Council has started taking improvement actions. Currently we are in the process of setting a consistent record keeping system and developing education programme. We are also considering a monitoring approach in the future to ensure all connections to the public stormwater network are meeting standards and are compliant with regulations.

Conference Papers

1. Auckland Stormwater Bylaw Implementation.pdf

370 KB
25 Jun 2018

1350 - Claire C - Stormwater conference 2018 SW Bylaw Implementation Auckland Council.pdf

2 MB
25 Jun 2018