Developing National Good Management Practices for Urban Stormwater

Stormwater Conference

The design and use of urban areas are affecting ecological health and flows of ecosystem services across multiple environmental domains including climate, air, land, marine and freshwater. In the freshwater domain, approaches to the design, delivery, management, and use of freshwater, land and infrastructure (three waters and transport) are having adverse effects on water ecosystems and resources, and people’s relationship with them. Some of these effects are significant and long-term, including impacts on health (physical and cultural), liveability, climate resilience, economy, and the health of downstream environments.

These challenges for urban water align with several of the new government’s priorities, including improving water quality, climate change resilience, providing affordable housing and development capacity, and regional development.

Conference Papers

2. Developing National Good Management Practices for Urban Stormwater.pdf

186 KB
25 Jun 2018

1430 - Sarah Boone - UrbanWaterGMPPresentation-StormwaterConference.pdf

2 MB
25 Jun 2018