Submission on Taumata Arowai - The Water Services Regulator Bill

Water New Zealand appreciates an opportunity to provide a submission on Taumata Arowai- The Water Services Bill (the Bill). Our submission is that we are in support of the general intent of the Bill in its entirety.

Water New Zealand was consulted in the drafting of this Bill and understands that the Bill intends to implement the Government’s decision to create a new regulatory body to oversee, administer, and enforce the drinking water regulatory system. The Bill would establish Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator (Taumata Arowai) as a new Crown agent and provide for its objectives, functions, and operating principles. It would also provide for its governance arrangements, including the establishment of a board and Māori Advisory Group. 

Water New Zealand submission on Taumata Arowai- the Water Services Regulator Bill.pdf

104 KB
04 Mar 2020
200304 Water New Zealand submission on Taumata Arowai- the Water Services Regulator Bill.pdf