Consultation - Preventing harm from hydrogen sulphide

WorkSafe New Zealand is currently developing the following new guidance:

The quick guide is aimed at supporting persons conducting a business or undertaking work that may expose workers and other people to hydrogen sulphide. It provides practical advice on how the health and safety risks arising from exposure to hydrogen sulphide can be minimised. This includes the use of respiratory protective equipment, and exposure and health monitoring.

Submission Form: 

Here is a submission form for you to provide your feedback.  

How to Submit your feedback:

Worksafe and Water New Zealand would value your feedback on the draft document. You can either directly e-mail Worksafe or by 10th August if you wish to be part of a sector-wide response. 

Ssubmissions will be collated and while equal consideration will be given to all feedback, there is no guarantee that suggested changes will be actioned.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to help WorkSafe on this. If you have any questions about these documents or the submission process, please email Worksafe at

Worksafe Australia is also reviewing their Hydrogen–Sulphide Limits and Practises with identical feedback times.

Preventing harm from hydrogen sulphide - GED External consultation Feedback Form.docx

63 KB
20 Jul 2021

Consultation - Preventing harm from hydrogen sulphide draft v5.1.pdf

240 KB
20 Jul 2021


186 KB
20 Jul 2021