Productivity Commission - Draft report 2 released - Employment, labour markets and income

Today the Commission released their second draft report for our Technological change and future of work inquiry looking at Employment, labour markets and income in New Zealand. 

In their second draft report, Employment, labour markets and income, they’ve looked at what the Government can do to better support those affected by labour-market change. The Commission found countries with policies that promote income security over job security tend to be more open to technology adoption. In today's report they suggest three options for improving income security. The Commission is now seeking feedback on these options. Submissions are invited by 7 February 2020. Read the draft report or a 2-page briefing here. Three further draft reports will be released: Training New Zealand’s workforce, Firms, innovation and labour markets and Educating New Zealand’s future workforce before our final report in March.

Watch out also for their final report on Local government funding and financing in December. 
