WSP Snack & Learn Webinar


Urban creek catchment visioning work with Christchurch City Council in New Zealand

WSP was selected to take forward the Vision and Values work for Christchurch’s four urban catchments delivered during 2016 and provide a potential template for delivering the high-level aspirations identified within the Stormwater Management Plan documents.

Christchurch City Council asked us to take this further to produce a vision of what a future urban catchment in Christchurch should look like in 50 – 100 years. We selected a ‘typical’ urban catchment to show how we have historically undervalued the water environment along which we choose to live and typical of the many areas around Christchurch, where current land use and linear infrastructure break up the potential communities from creating local value.

From this point on what is clear is the need to develop an integrated approach to water management across Christchurch. This is the most cost-efficient and least-regretful way to help live with the combined challenge facing the city of both greater levels of urbanisation and climate change. To achieve a sustainable and resilient city, though, urban planning is required to go further than it has ever done in the past across New Zealand.

Using the lenses of economics, culture, geography, ecology, society, architecture and planning, this document presents our long-term vision for the Jacksons Creek Catchment and is designed to persuade CCC to develop a clear and agreed cross-disciplinary trajectory for the catchment’s enhancement. It presents a range of initiatives with the power to transform the catchment, reconnecting residents to the creek and the broader natural environment. Better economics, social fabric, productivity, environmental well-being and cultural identity are outcomes of this process.

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  • Webinar, NZ