June update from Stormwater Chair

Katrina Guy

Stormwater Committee 2020 – June Update

Water New Zealand Stormwater Group

Prepared By: James Reddish, Chairperson Stormwater Group Committee

Despite COVID19 restrictions, and associated professional and personal impacts, the Stormwater Committee continued to meet monthly and progress with their 2019/2020 Work Plan.

Technical and Policy Subgroup:

  • 1.Following the successful facilitation of industry collaboration on Essential Freshwater Actions for Healthy Waterways, the Technical and Policy subgroup have been liaising with Auckland Council to provide feedback on their emerging Inlets and Outlets Design Guideline. This action is in progress.

Education and Training Subgroup

Education and Training Plan:

  • 1.A meeting was held with Engineering New Zealand to discuss the training plan. Supportive of training plan and overall approach. Agreement to work more collaboratively on capability and capacity building.
  • 2.Further engagement on the Training Plan have been delayed due to COVID 19, however this is being picked up again through the remainder of 2020. It is proposed to be undertaken primarily via virtual meetings. This is expected to save significant cost on the previously agreed engagement budget.
  • 3.James Reddish will be writing up noted from the various engagement to date, with actions/outcomes.
  • 4.The overall positive feedback on the Training Plan to date has given the subgroup confidence to publish the DRAFT document to the Stormwater Group webpage so it is more accessible. An article in the WATER magazine raising awareness is also proposed.

Strengthening ties with Tertiary Sector:

  • 1.Members of the subgroup and the Water NZ Education and Training Manager met with representatives from the University of Canterbury School of Engineering to discuss the Training Plan, as well as closer working and collaboration between industry and the tertiary sector. A number of actions were agreed:
  • oRaising the profile of emerging UoC courses and their relevance to continued professional development for industry through an article in the WATER magazine.
  • oHold an industry ‘brainstorming’ session to develop masters/PhD research ideas that address industry issues.
  • 2.A similar meeting is scheduled with Unitec the week of the 14th June.
  • 3.The University of Canterbury requested feedback from industry on their proposed Stormwater System Engineering third year paper. The subgroup provided a written response based on input from both Committee members and a number of ‘Friends of the Committee’.

Regional Meetings:

  • 1.No regional meetings have been held due to COVID 19 restrictions.
  • 2.Committee member Kalyan Chakravathy is giving a series of Water NZ webinars on modelling.
  • 3.The subgroup would like to continue to use the Water NZ webinar to hold ‘national stormwater webinars’, increasing accessibility to all. Supplementing ‘in person’ regional meetings.

Communication & Engagement subgroup

  • 1.The subgroup has set up a Microsoft Teams site to facilitate collaboration and data gathering on ‘stormwater behaviours’ – i.e. public education on stormwater. Initial discussions with the Ministry for the Environment indicate support, and potential funding, for this, however progress has stalled.
  • 2.The SW Committee agreed to endorse the MfE Urban Water Working Group letter to Ministers (appended) on the potential for shovel ready funding to be used for a cleaner, sustainable environment. The letter was led by Stu Farrant, who also sits on the SW Committee.
  • 3.The letter has formed the basis for an article in the last issue of the WATER magazine.
  • 4.The SW Committee also agreed the letter should be raised with the Water NZ Board for awareness and support.

Conference Subgroup

  • 1.Planning for the Conference remains on target for the revised August dates.
  • 2.Kate Purton (Conference Chair) and James Reddish met with Ian Garside to share views on the Stormwater Conference structure. Concerns were raised about the likely attendance given the current financial position/restriction of many organisations, along with views on format of the conference.
  • 3.The SW Committee also encouraged a sample of large organisations to share their views with Water New Zealand to inform decision making.
  • 4.The SW Committee believe there is an opportunity in the future for a collaborative conference/symposium with other industry groups (e.g. landscape architecture) that reflects the changes ongoing in stormwater sector. Early, informal discussions with these other industry groups indicate an appetite to collaborate.


Urban Water Working Group Letter to Ministers, 8th April 2020