Water Efficiency & Conservation Action Network

The Water Efficiency and Conservation Networks purpose is to enable collaboration and knowledge sharing across the New Zealand water industry and develop tools and practices for improving water use and efficiency.

Our groups mission is to enable collaboration and knowledge sharing across the New Zealand water industry and develop tools and practices for improving water use and efficiency. We do this in a variety of ways:

The Water New Zealand We Can Special Interest Group aims to:

  • Build a community of water industry professionals working in water efficiency and conservation nationwide
  • To encourage industry collaboration and knowledge sharing on water efficiency and conservation technologies and initiatives through webinars and workshops, for example share case studies on leak detection technologies, both successes and failures
  • Improve the benchmarking of water efficiency in New Zealand
  • Consider the Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) and advocate for its inclusion in water use and conservation planning
  • Advocate that water efficiency be effectively embedded in urban water policy, planning, land use planning, building and development requirements
  • Foster initiatives that grow an appreciation of the value of water.

Membership of the groups is open to all Water New Zealand members. Activities of the group are overseen by a committee of up to fifteen group members and administered by Water New Zealand.

Committee membership is open to all group members, and new members are confirmed annually at the group’s Annual General Meeting.

If you are a Water New Zealand member and wish to belong to one of the special interest groups, make sure you are logged in to the Water New Zealand website, then simply send an email via the contact form at the bottom of this page to join our group. This will register you for notification of committee openings, as well as up to date correspondence on events, news, and other group activities.

If you are not a current member, visit our membership page for more information. Remember to tick the appropriate Special Interest Group box when completing the Membership Application form.

WeCAN Webinars

WeCAN Newsletters

WeCAN Committee

Become a member to be a part of the WE CAN SIG