The Future of Urban Water: Scenarios for Water Utilities In 2040

Annual Conference

The Future of Urban Water: Scenarios for Water Utilities in 2040 depicts four plausible scenarios for the future of urban water utilities in 2040. Using Sydney as a reference city, the report explores how a wide range of social, technological, economic, environmental and political trends could shape our urban water future. By understanding drivers and planning for the future, water utilities can create more engaging customer experiences, enhance the livability of urban areas and get more out of their current and future assets. The scenarios can be used to explore the viability of different strategies, inspire innovation and assist in long-term planning for more sustainable and resilient urban water systems. We believe our population will be best served if water authorities migrate towards a hybrid model which incorporates greater decentralisation and autonomous management of water supply, greater participation of additional service providers and smarter management of the water grid.

Conference Papers

11.30 The Future Of Urban Water Scenarios For Urban Water Utilities In 2040.pdf

274 KB
09 Nov 2017

11.30am P Madan.pdf

4 MB
09 Nov 2017