Omāroro Reservoir – Integrating a Monster into Wellington’s Water Network

Omāroro Reservoir – Integrating a Monster into Wellington’s Water Network

Ben Davies (Stantec), Iman Aghamohammadi (Wellington Water)

Wellington’s water supply relies on two bulk water pipelines running for approximately 70km along a seismic fault line. When a large earthquake hits, the city could be reliant on the water already stored within the city for quite a while. 

The Omāroro Reservoir has been constructed to increase the volume of water on hand. Omāroro is a35ML reservoir built on a hill in central Wellington and brought into service in late 2022. This is by far the largest storage reservoir in the region and connects into the existing network alongside two smaller reservoirs.

Ben Davies - Omaroro Reservoir.pdf

257 KB
22 Mar 2023

1450 - Ben Davies - Omaroro Reservoir.pdf

2 MB
22 Mar 2023