Stormwater Conference 2024

S. Nolan (Auckland Council), J. Armitage (Holmes Group NZ), Mereana Taungapeau (Local Government New Zealand)


At the 2023 Stormwater Conference, the Water New Zealand - Te Mana o te Wai sub-committee hosted a workshop with the purpose of encouraging participants to look at their own mahi and how they can meaningfully give effect to Te Mana o te Wai. An outcome of the workshop, which was well attended, was to take the kōrero of the attendees and give a summary in the form of a paper at the following years conference. This is to ensure that the insights and discussions that were held are able to be built on and discussed, something that is of high importance as the political space is everchanging.

The workshop started with some inspirational kōrero from Dr Kepa Morgan and Troy Brockbank to set the scene and give examples of their journeys and where/how they have felt the support of the water industry. Their kōrero laid a foundation of what can happen when there is trust and mutual respect and was a great way to lay the platform for the rest of the workshop.

Please view abstract below

Te Mana o te Wai – Industry Kōrero.pdf

233 KB
17 Apr 2024