Opportunities for Catchment-Scale Stormwater Management in Post-Earthquake Christchurch

Stormwater Conference

Earthquakes have been a game-changer for urban stormwater catchment management planning in Christchurch. The Avon Stormwater Management Plan (SMP) is the first fully post-earthquake SMP. Setting up the SMP framework is different because of the earthquakes. This paper discusses the opportunities and challenges that have confronted the developing Avon SMP. Channel morphology and hydrology have changed, the central city has changed and the future of the residential red zone has not yet been decided – what assumptions can we reasonably make? Changes in land use, fast tracking of urban expansion and subdivisions required re-working of planning implications and re-analysing stormwater effects on waterways.

Stakeholder interest in the Avon is much higher than the other catchments in Christchurch where SMPs have been completed to date. Because of its location, aesthetics and recreation are more important. There are plenty of opportunities for the Avon SMP to drive a major sea change in the way urban stormwater is managed in Christchurch.

Are we integrating building materials with consideration of environmental factors (e.g., copper)? Are we selecting stormwater treatment devices appropriately and are people ready for integrated stormwater management in dense urban areas such as the new city? Or is the dream of a green city just that?

Conference Papers Resource - Conference Papers Stormwater

A. Wilkes.pdf

188 KB
22 Jun 2016