Changing Worlds: Amalgamation of Political, Technical and Community Aspirations for Delivering Water Quality Outcomes

Stormwater Conference

The Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board of Auckland Council has facilitated a suite of projects for water quality benefits in the eastern areas of the Auckland isthmus. At the closure of the first term of the amalgamated Auckland Council, it is interesting to consider how the new local government structure has facilitated improved outcomes for both communities and the environment.

Projects explored will include an outreach site audit programme offered to industrial sites in the catchment, community engagement events to raise awareness of the water quality issues in relation to the Omaru River, capture of ecological and engineering data for the open stream network of Omaru River, proposed options for improvement of stormwater discharges to the Omaru River and the Tamaki Estuary, and the successful implementation of planting via the WaiCare programme.

This paper will explore the synergies between the local board governance, the technical expertise of Council staff, and implementation through various mechanisms, from contractor to community and school groups. Observations and lessons learned will be shared.

Conference Papers Resource - Conference Papers Stormwater

S. Fenelon.pdf

516 KB
23 Jun 2016