Integration of Low Impact Design, Urban Design and Urban Form Principles

Stormwater Conference

A Technical Report, ‘The Integration of Low Impact Design (LID), Urban Design and Urban Form’, was commissioned by the Auckland Regional Council (ARC) to assist planners, consent staff, developers and consultants in exploring the interaction of the two broad disciplines of LID and urban design. This paper identifies the synergies and conflicts between the two disciplines and potential mechanisms to achieve their integration.

This paper discusses the following steps to examine this subject:

1. Comparison of accepted principles for LID and Urban Design (ARC’s TP124 and the MfE Urban Design Protocol).

2. A methodology or ‘Toolkit’ to inform integrated planning and design at a variety of scales and urban typologies.

The ‘Toolkit’, investigates complementary scales of environmental and social orders, the ‘region’ (municipality), ‘catchment’ (community), and the ‘site’ (neighbourhood) providing for: 1) Comprehensive planning frameworks based on scale-specific assessment and analysis. 2) Integrated design responses based on urban and environmental transitions.

Conference Papers Resource - Conference Papers Stormwater

Session 1 2 H. Easton.pdf

238 KB
06 Jul 2016