Integrating Low Impact Design Innovation in a Steetscape Project - Albany Civic Crescent

Stormwater Conference

North Shore City Council seeks to integrate stormwater management into the projects carried out by other council divisions. This paper presents a showcase project which demonstrates to developers that it is possible to integrate stormwater treatment into a high quality streetscape design in a manner which adds to the amenity and functioning of the streetscape without greatly adding to cost.

This project integrates innovative LID within a high-profile streetscape design involving transport, water and parks teams. It is now complete and the finished treatments are shown in operation.

The paper covers:

  • setting design objectives at the concept stage;
  • keeping design responsive to the land use context;
  • integrating stormwater treatment with transport and landscape design;
  • maintaining integrity of the design through changes during design and construction;
  • funding these elements and their cost;
  • demonstrating that by collaborating with the landscape architects and arborists early on in the overall design process we were able to achieve a better overall outcome;
  • illustration of innovation including bioretention tree pits – collaborative design, construction and operation
  • how developers have already been influenced by this showcase project.
Conference Papers Resource - Conference Papers Stormwater

Session 1 2 A. Irwin.pdf

26 MB
06 Jul 2016