Facilitating wider acceptance and uptake of nature-based solutions in Aotearoa New Zealand


This 1½ hr workshop is facilitated by Liz Gavin and Mark Lewis from Boffa Miskell, and includes a range of speakers including; Nancy Vance from Boffa Miskell, Tom Mansell from Healthy Waters at Auckland Council, Myfanwy Hill from Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Nigel Wong and Ben Curran from the Ministry for the Environment.

The aims and objectives of this workshop are to facilitate acceptance of nature-based solutions (NbS) that have broad outcomes, including carbon sequestration, increased biodiversity, provision of valuable infrastructure, and building resilience in urban landscapes while providing for recreational opportunities and improving health and wellbeing. While NbS offer significant opportunities to reduce risks from climate-related natural hazards and delivering multiple co-benefits, their application and scale is often limited due to common barriers. International research has identified common key barriers encountered for NbS including scepticism of benefits, misinterpretation and maladaptation, and challenges effectively incorporating indigenous values. These barriers are commonplace in Aotearoa New Zealand as central and local decision makers seek to scale up and 'prioritise' NbS.

Another key objective is to recognise the incremental successes of individual projects implementing NbS dotted around Aotearoa New Zealand and the collaborative interactions between disciplines, experts and stakeholders to achieve these. While there is interest, enthusiasm, and forthcoming mandate to implement NbS for all the benefits they bring, we are currently without design standards, specifications, criteria, monitoring requirements, or reporting on past and in-progress projects implementing NbS. The workshop will be guided by the following key questions:

  1. Where has design using NbS paid off and why? What can be achieved?
  2. What are the building blocks for NbS done well in Aotearoa New Zealand (and potentially internationally as well)
  3. What has prevented success in some instances, and how can we identify and reduce those impediments?
  4. How is work done in the stormwater and/or floodplain management context contributing to filling these information gaps? How do we undertake, monitor and report; and then share key learnings?
  5. What will drive wider acceptance and uptake of NbS in Aotearoa New Zealand?

The outcomes from this workshop include discussion outcomes on issues impeding / facilitating the way forward on implementing NbS and creating a strategic approach for what needs to happen to drive wider acceptance and uptake of NbS in Aotearoa New Zealand. To gain interest in a summarising paper, or development of a portal or database, where quality reporting is inputted to build a comprehensive picture of solutions: from water quality to flood mitigation, asset life perspective, biodiversity monitoring, and health and wellbeing outcomes; thereby collating best-practice of NbS in Aotearoa New Zealand. Finding a pathway to connecting projects and outcomes; and facilitate information sharing. Defining what steps are required to achieve this to help experts/Councils/stakeholders to plan, design, implement, operate and maintain NbS. Dr James Griffiths from NIWA.

To register

  • 15/05/2024
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  • 13:30 - 15:00
  • Takina Convention Centre, Wellington, NZ
Stormwater Conference