Hugh Blake-Manson

Hugh has a passion for all things water related. As a previous Water New Zealand and IPWEA Board member and now Chair of IPWEA's Wai Kotahi SIG, he looks across the physical asset management, operations, tactical and strategic spaces which connect our physical services and natural waters.

In the 1840's his family settled in Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour, below Te Ahu Pātiki / Mt Herbert. The connection with water is therefore very strong and ever present.

His current projects include: Supporting Council in Runanga co-design One-Water Strategy, providing a climate change adaptation strategy covering all of Councils assets, development of a national risk management and maturity framework and assessment of water supply systems in coastal environments. None of this is done alone - working as part of, or leading teams is an essential factor for success.

Hugh is a Chartered Engineer and is currently completing a Masters in Freshwater Management focused on technologies to support self suppliers in determining their drinking water quality.