Embodied Emissions in Water Infrastructure - Workshop

Exploring approaches to decarbonisation - Workshop


The development of water infrastructure produces greenhouse gas emissions across its life cycle; extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, construction, use and end-of-life disposal or recycling. Referred to as embodied carbon, reducing these emissions to meet The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act target of net zero emissions by 2050 poses an enormous challenge.

How do we reconcile the need for water services that protect public health and the environment with the urgent decarbonisation challenge? This workshop aims to accelerate the sharing of knowledge, create or grow momentum, and support the necessary shift of mindset required in delivering low carbon solutions.

This workshop will:

  1. Equip participants with tangible, lower carbon ideas for common water and wastewater issues.
  2. Encourage approach/mindset to apply to their local challenges.
  3. Introduce people to principles of embodied carbon, including tools to calculate it.
  4. Unearthing roadblocks and next steps for collective action that could be fed into the work programme of the Climate Change Group.

To attend this workshop you do need to register for the Water New Zealand Conference & Expo

  • 17/10/2023
    Add to calendar
  • 14:00 - 15:30
  • Takina Convention Centre, Wellington, NZ
Climate Change