Construction of an Industry-Leading Recovery Facility

Stormwater Conference 2024

InterGroup, a leading provider of street sweeping, catchpit and sump cleaning, hydro excavation and other waste generating maintenance activities for Councils and private entities, invests heavily in innovative solutions to manage our, and our customers’ waste. While we have several dewatering plants around NZ, these facilities have limited recycling and reuse capability. Therefore, we have investigated further options to achieve improved environmental outcomes across the sector and have constructed an industry-leading resource recovery facility incorporating world-leading technology. A first for NZ, this facility has a:

• dedicated tipping station, ensuring maximum dewatering and processing of slurried waste material to produce clean reusable sand, aggregate, and water products.

• water cleaning and treatment system – with up to 90% of process water recycled and re-used within the plant.

• scrubbing and filtration system for pre-screening, scrubbing, organics removal, sizing, stockpiling, fines recovery and filtrates removal

• two-stage separation and classification system with high-pressure washing to effectively remove contaminants and provide the highest quality final products.

This will result in enhanced recycling outcomes and an impactful contribution to achieving waste reduction targets – with a target of processing over 60,000T of material in Year 1.